苦难岁月 9 小水滴
苦难岁月 9 小水滴
Little water drop





我是晶亮的小水滴 太阳暴晒 我化成淡淡的蔼气 升上天空,我变成轻轻的白云 冷风吹我,我化成片片雪花 飘落大地,我变成透明的寒冰 我是晶亮的寒冰 太阳一晒 我化作水 渗入泥土 我在黑暗中流动 我是乌黑的水 悲哀的水 孤独的水 土地的泪 我是土地的泪 小草将我吮吸 我升上绿叶 将花儿滋润 在太阳升起的清晨 我凝聚成透明的露水 啊!我又变成快乐的小水滴 我是快乐的小水滴 任烈阳晒我 任冷风吹我 任泥土埋着我 无论怎样变迁 我永远是晶亮的小水滴
1968/04/ A bright little water droplet I am a bright little water droplet Under the hot sun I evaporate into a light mist Upward I drift and become a puff of white cloud Into the cold wind, I turn into flakes of snow Drifting downward I become crystal-clear ice I am now crystal-clear ice Under the winter sun I turn into water again Seeping into the earth I flow in the dark I am now pitch dark water Sad and lonely The tears of the earth I am the tears of the earth A little grass sucks me up I move up the green leaves Nourishing flower petals Under the rising sun I form into clear morning dews Oh! I am a happy water droplet again Let the sun bake me Let the cold wind blow against me Let the earth cover me what ever the change I am a bright little water droplet always 2005/04/ translate to English at NC



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